
The International Student Project Contest In The Field Of Biology And Agricultural Sciences – 3nd Edition

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Faculty of Agriculture will organize The International Student Project Contest In The Field Of Biology And Agricultural Sciences – 3nd Edition, which will be held on 03th April 2020.


The contest offers students and master students the opportunity to present their projects and perspectives in terms of technology transfer and innovation in the fields of Agronomy and Biology. Students and master students from the study programs Agriculture, Plant Protection, and Biology are invited to participate in this competition.

The competition will take place in three sections, having the following topics:

The Farm of the future;

- Management and conservation of soil resources

Plant protection at the level of expertise and identification;

Inventory and Conservation of Biodiversity.

Working groups may include 2 - 4 students, coordinated by 1-2 professours. The project will be presented in English and it can be:

- A power point presentation with a maximum of 20 slides containing: topicality of the issue, theoretical and practical documentation, innovative ideas, practical implementation, and application impact;

- A layout or simulation model;

- A smartphone application;

- A movie made by the team;

- A practical demonstration.

Prizes will be awarded for each field: agriculture, plant protection, and biology. Innovative projects which emphasize the possibility of technology transfer will be awarded.

There is no registration fee; accommodation and meals are provided.

Registration deadline: 10 March 2020 at: agriculture.usamvbt@yahoo.com

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