

Faculty of Agricultural Management is part of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat Timisoara, and was founded in 1996, realizing thus an older application to establish a faculty  of this profile in the west of the country.

Between 1990-1996 the faculty worked as the Department of Organization, then Management in the frame of Faculty of Agronomy from our University.

Faculty of Agricultural Management was established by Order of the Ministry of National Education no. 5982 of 21.11.1996 and now offers to its students, in undergraduate, three specializations:

Specializations have their academic curriculum with a duration of four years, period during which instruction is necessary for the fulfillment of commitments made ​​by modern education plan, updated in accordance with the principles of the Reformation began in Romanian higher education.

Faculty of Agricultural Management offers Master studies, 2 years duration, in specializations:

Agricultural Faculty of Management offers PhD Studies in Agronomy and Zootechnics (3 years part-time or frequency).

Faculty of Agricultural Management, showed and still show great care for the modernization and especially to adapt the curriculum to the new rules created by the establishment of democracy and freedom, and in the economic level by the market economy.

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