


Our faculty history started once, on December 31, 1944, when Royal Decree No. 660 was published in Monitorul Oficial no. 302, setting up the WesternUniversity with seven faculties: Law, Letters and Philosophy, Sciences, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and Theology.

Because of subjective reasons, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has started its activity only in 1948 in Arad, in a different organizational structure. There it worked until 1957, when also from subjective reasons, goes into liquidation, although in a short time managed to establish itself nationally and even internationally. Thus, by backstage games, it dispels a prestigious core of teachers and an adequate material basis of the time.

Agitated and painful changes in orientation of agriculture, which proved to be totally wrong, increased livestock and subsequent livestock and agriculture education. Under these conditions, it was set up that in western Romania a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is necessary.

Thus, by the decision of Council of Ministers No. 428 from 23 May 1962 was founded the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, that entering into service from the academic year 1962/1963 inside the Agronomic Institute from Timisoara and it works till now with a single specialization: Veterinary Medicine.

During his 50 years of existence, the Office of Dean was met by: Prof. emeritus Dr. doc. ºt. Nicholas Gluhovski (1962-1974), first Dean of FMV Timisoara, Prof. emeritus Dr. doc. ºt. Valeriu Pintea (1974-1976), Prof. Dr. Octavian Popa (1976-1980), Prof. Ioan Vintila. (1980-1984), Prof. Maria Rosu (1984-1989), Prof. Radu Moga-Manzat (1990-1992), Prof. Simion Bolte (1992-1996), Prof. Horia Cernescu (1996-2004), Prof. Gheorghe Dãrãbus (2004-2012), Prof. Viorel Herman (2012 – in the present)


Clinici Veterinare:
Telefon secretariatfmv@usvt.ro
Calea Aradului, nr. 119, cod poºtal 300645
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