
Environmental engineering and protection in agriculture

Home » Degree programmes » Environmental engineering and protection in agriculture

1. Mission

Training engineers to identify qualitative impairment issues related to environmental pollution and to propose viable solutions or ways to prevent and combat these problems or remediation technologies – restoring the impaired environmental factor.

2. Objectives

  • Training specialists to effectively monitor the quality of natural environmental factors and the environment as a whole;
  • Training students to acquire practical skills to analyze the impact of some mainly anthropogenic processes upon the environment and human health;
  • Training students to acquire skills to identify and establish specific measures to prevent and combat pollution processes in any field of activity;
  • Developing organizational skills and skills related to designing clean technologies, organic farms and waste management systems based on selective recycling of useful material;
  • Teaching students environmental policies and legislation;
  • Developing technologies, techniques or measures for the remediation and environmental restoration of quality impaired factors.

The mission of this major is didactic, scientific and consulting. The main concern is training students at a high scientific and technological level to become future specialists who will work in the field of environmental engineering. Thus, the curriculum and the content of the disciplines’ syllabuses aim to accomplish an appropriate professional training to enable graduates to work in agricultural institutions, municipalities, environmental agencies, Chambers of Agriculture, consulting services, in education and research or as experts in the field.

At the same time, the faculty aims to train students in scientific research activities related to disciplines in the field, including the ones employed on a contract basis, to help them acquire skills in research methodology and to obtain extra-budget funding to support of the equipment and functioning of faculty laboratories. Environmental research, with the objective of assessing environmental impact, encompasses current and future activities that will involve numerous specialists trained in environmental engineering. Another mission of the faculty is the continuous training of graduates through Master and PhD studies.
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3. Subjects



*To view the curriculum click on CURRICULUM

The specialization Environmental engineering has a duration of 4 years for both full time day courses and distance learning.
Graduates obtain the diploma and title of Bachelor of Science in Engineering.



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